Launch Team

Join the Book 2 Launch Team!

We would love for you to join our Book Launch Team for the second “How to Heal Our Divides” book, releasing in May 2022. Simply fill out the form below.

Book 2 launch team members will receive:

  • ​A free pre-release e​lectronic ​copy of the book​
  • Private launch party
  • Early access to ​other items we put together for the book: video​ interview​s, supplemental material, promotional material, blurbs, reviews, links,​ and​ progr​am updates
  • ​Access to our p​rivate Facebook group
  • ​​Launch team badge​
  • Discount on bulk book purchases
  • ​The opportunity to s​ubmit ​a story about your involvement with one of the organizations featured in the book
  • ​The opportunity to s​ubmit ​your suggestions​ for additional organizations to include in the future for this project

​What we ask Team Members to do in return:

  • Post about the book on your social media​ accounts
  • Write a review of the book on Amazon
  • (Optional) order a copy of the book for a friend

    Your First Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

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