From “US: The Resurrection of American Terror” by Rev. Kenneth W. Wheeler
White privilege has given you entry into places denied those of us with black or brown skin. White privilege has meant and continues to mean that there are certain things that you will never have to think about. White privilege keeps you enslaved in the illusion of innocence because you think that you have done nothing wrong. White privilege gives white people the freedom to deny truth, no matter how glaring that truth may be. This is where the conversation around race is today in our country. People like Donald Trump, Majorie Taylor Greene, and Josh Hawley, among too many others, have replaced real truth with a “truth” composed of alternative facts. This is the truth that has become convenient and adaptable for many white people. Yet as Imani Perry points out in her foreword to James Baldwin’s Nothing Personal, this convenient and white-washed truth “only endangers justice and engenders injustice.” In the end it will prove detrimental to you ever being truly free.