Our witness will continue to suffer

From “American Idolatry: How Christian Nationalism Betrays The Gospel and Threatens The Church” by Andrew L. Whitehead

The result of the Christian Right’s commitment to culture-warring was that while we were trying to convince those outside the church that we loved them, our commitment to white Christian nationalism ensured that they perceived that narrative as a lie. The same trends continue today. More and more Americans are leaving the Christian faith, and fewer and fewer have any desire to return or come for the first time at all.

In our effort to retain what we thought was a Christian nation, we have succeeded in pushing more Americans away from the faith. In our efforts to ensure that our society is structured according to “God’s laws,” we have only convinced many Americans that we care more about achieving our vision for the country – which looks a lot like taking care of ourselves and our comfort – than loving and sacrificing for “the least of these” (Matt 24:40).

Following Jesus necessarily means we confront the various idols of Christian nationalism. White American Christians have too easily idolized power, fear, and violence. Each stands in contrast to the example set by Jesus. The longer American Christians actively embrace or tolerate white Christian nationalism, the greater the likelihood that our witness will continue to suffer and become effectively naught, if it isn’t so already.

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