The stewardship of pain

From “Telling Stories in the Dark: Finding healing and hope in sharing our sadness, grief, trauma, and pain” by Jeffrey Munroe

As Dan reflected on the concept of the stewardship of pain, he said that those engaged in stewarding their own pain often discover a particular generativity in relationship to others going through pain. Choosing to turn toward and face one’s pain leaves us less afraid of pain and capable of being drawn empathically toward others in the heart of their particular pain. The stewardship of pain cannot occur alone or in isolation. It requires community and relationship.

“I appreciate Roger’s honesty,” Dan said, “when he admitted that although this experience may have made him a better pastor, there is no way that makes what happened all right. I agree. But it is interesting to note how what happened led Roger into deeper levels of being. It’s almost like a Flannery O’Connor story where violence is inextricably entwined with spiritual revelation.”