With balance comes stability

From “The Social Justice Investor: Advance Your Values While Building Wealth, Whether a Few Dollars or Millions” by Andrea Longton, CFA

Social justice investors balance the desire to build financial wealth with their goal to create social change.

Whereas traditional investment culture emphasizes the single-minded pursuit of profit maximization, social justice investors target sustainable financial earnings coupled with social justice returns. Social justice investors reject Wall Street’s tunnel vision on profit maximization. We’ve endured too many man-made financial disasters, felt the sting of deep recessions, and waded into deep and painful uncertainty about the ability to care for our family’s financial concerns. We’ve witnessed the racial wealth gap widen, exacerbating tension, anger, and inequity within our country.

Wall Street culture isn’t working for us.

Having lived through multiple periods of economic upheaval and uncertainty, a new investor era seeks a financial path that generates sustainable earnings rather than volatile extremes, and more importantly, understands that long term economic well-being requires widespread financial inclusion.

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